Knud Rosenmayr JDPSN: Painting inside (Dharma Note)
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In these days of the pandemic, there is a strong connection between us humans that can be felt. Of course, on one side we may notice it on a superficial level, but also deep down there is a close bond. We…

Knud Rosenmayr JDPSN: Death and losing someone (Dharma Note)
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When ‘All Souls' Day is celebrated at the beginning of November (also known as the Day of the Dead), people remember those who have died. In our time of the pandemic, so many people have died over the last two years…

Knud Rosenmayr JDPSN: The Bull behind the Wall (Dharma Notes)
Dharma Note
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It’s horrible what we see and hear about the current condition on this planet. Climate change affecting humans and other beings. We see and hear of sentient beings suffering in different parts of the world, and we…

Primary Point, Spring 2021
Out now: Primary Point, the magazine of the Kwan Um Zen School, Spring 2021 issue.
In this issue: Appreciations of the European teachers who passed away last year, Myong Hae Sunim JDPS and Oleg Šuk JDPSN, as well as two contributions…

Podcast with Knud Rosenmayr, JDPSN
Knud Rosenmay JDPSN, the guiding teacher of the Vienna Zen Center, is featured in a talk with host Ian White Maher in the podcast “Sit, Breathe, Bow”.
We are constantly trying to distract ourselves from our busy day or an uncomfortable…