Our school, our practice, our community
Our practice is to return moment by moment to our original nature as it is before thought arises. The school’s founding teacher, Zen Master Seung Sahn, called this „Don’t Know“. That means that we open ourselves to everything that is presented to us. When we perceive this clearly, we can act by virtue of our natural compassion and through our original wisdom.
Kwan Um School of Zen centers around the world offer training in Zen meditation through regular meditation, lectures, one-on-one koans, retreats, and workshops. Our programs are generally open to all, regardless of prior knowledge or religious affiliation.
The Kwan Um School of Zen in Austria was founded in 1994 and is a non-profit association (Korean Zen Community). The association is financed by membership fees and donations. The Kwan Um School of Zen is an officially recognized order of the Austrian Buddhist Religious Union (ÖBR).
Membership is essential to ensure the continued existence of the Zen Center and thus to enable continuous teaching. Your advantages:
° You can participate in the regular practice (online as well as offline) of the Vienna Zen Center,
° You can participate in the practice in 120 centers of the Kwan Um School of Zen worldwide,
° You can participate in the events of the Global Online Sangha,
° You receive regular and individual Kongan practice (please make appointments!),
° and You can participate in events (retreats, Zen days, excursions) at reduced rates.
⇒ Note: If you are new to Zen practice, we recommend a Trial Membership!
Monthly fee
The regular membership requires the payment of a monthly membership fee of €40. Reduced membership by arrangement and social condition!
Become a member!
Are you interested in becoming a member?
Please contact us at the e-mail address ta.ne1742965907zmuna1742965907wk@of1742965907ni1742965907: We would be happy to discuss with you what motivates and interests you!
You can find the statutes of the Kwan Um School of Zen Austria in the following document (PDF).
The membership application form is available for download (PDF) in German and English here!
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Diversity Disclaimer
🌈 Membership in Kwan Um Zen School does not imply conversion to Buddhism. We are an association open to people of all denominations, and sociocultural backgrounds, and an association that explicitly welcomes people of all gender identities.